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[채용공고] Risk Manager - NN Group

2019-07-15 13:35
네덜란드 한인회는 NN Group Board Member에게 네덜란드에 거주하는 훌륭한 한국인력 및 지속적으로 증가하고 있는 한국학생들에 대해서 홍보할 기회가 있었습니다. 이에 필요한 Job Vacancy가 있을 경우, 한인회/한국학생회/과학자 협회 등을 통하여 필요한 인력들을 소개하기로 협의하고 Pilot으로 시도해보자는 논의가 있었습니다.
현재 Risk Manager 인력을 구한다고 연락을 받아서 게시판에 글을 올립니다. 해당 연락처로 직접 지원하시면 됩니다.
(To help in finding South-Korean talents living in NL for Finance&Risk traineeship, Normal Graduate roles, and more matching vacancies in NN Group's HQ)

1. 회사 소개
- 회사명: NN-Group (https://www.nn-group.com)
- 근무지역: 헤이그
- 업종: Audit & Risk

2. 모집분야
- 직무명: Risk Manager
- 직무 소개
Risk Manager
Are you our new Risk Manager to strengthen the Risk Management Oversight team? Risk Management Oversight is responsible for risk management oversight of the NN Group’s insurance entities, NN Bank and NN Investment Partners.
You will evaluate the quality of risk management in the business units and manage and organize the Risk information flow to the Management Board and the Supervisory Board to ensure they are timely aware of any material risks.

Meet your team

Risk Oversight is a multi-disciplinary team of 9 people, who review, challenge and support the risk management activities of the NN Group business units (NL and International) with a focus on oversight, policies and advice.
The department achieves its objectives through a solid understanding of the business and the landscape in which it operates, and regular interaction with business units and key stakeholders at Group such as other Group departments, Corporate Audit Services, CRO NN Group, CEO NL, CEO International and other MB members. Risk Management Oversight also interacts on a regular basis with the external auditor and regulators.
Risk Management Oversight is responsible for risk management oversight of the NN Group’s insurance entities, NN Bank and NN Investment Partners.
NN Risk: ‘We keep the company safe’

Job Description

• Develop and maintain a clear understanding, articulation and documentation of key risks at the BU levels, including priorities and plans for successful resolutions of key risk issues;
• Develop and maintain a solid understanding of BUs and their landscape; Ensure sufficient business knowledge is present in the Risk Management Oversight team;
• Advise senior management on financial and non-financial risks in the business units providing clear, consistent, understandable and actionable risk management information;
• Challenge and support local risk management, without taking over local responsibilities;
• Communicate and advise on issues and potential improvements of local 2nd line risk functions;
• Identify and assess cross-unit risks and opportunities that are material for the Group or one of its reporting segments;
• Maintain strong relationships with key stakeholders in the business units and at Group, including but not limited to CRO’s, risk teams, Finance, Corporate Audit Services and investment manager.

3. 지원자격
• 3-8 years of experience in the financial industry;
• Knowledge of insurance, banking and asset management business. Knowledge of at least one of these industries is required;
• Master’s Degree preferably in science, mathematics, econometrics, or economics; quantitative skills essential;
• An interest in the full ERM spectrum of risk: financial, insurance, operational, strategic;
• Quantitative / Actuarial background;
• Excellent communication and people skills to build working relations within the team, with business units and with senior stakeholders;
• Customer focused with well-developed consultancy skills to assure that stakeholders are serviced in a professional manner.

5. 지원방법
Are you the one we are looking for? Then apply directly by clicking the button below this vacancy.
Do you have questions or do you need more information about the job or recruitment process, please connect with Ralph Roels, NN Recruiter via ralph.roels@nn.nl

6. 관련 링크 : https://nn-careers.com/jobs/risk-manager/

지원시 첨부 파일을 참고하시기 바랍니다.

네덜란드 한인회
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