[채용공고] 1/11 서류전형 모집종료 LG CNS Europe B.V. (Accounting Assistant 회계 총무 담당자)
Yehyun Ku
2024-01-04 09:50
[본 채용의 서류모집은 1/11 부로 종료되었습니다. 지원에 감사드립니다.]
LG CNS 유럽법인의 Business Management 부서에서 함께 근무할 인재를 찾고 있습니다.
아래 지원 자격에 해당하거나 관심이 있으신 분들의 많은 지원 부탁 드리겠습니다.
1. 회사 소개
- 회사명: LG CNS EUROPE B.V. (www.lgcns.com)
2. 채용 분야 및 인원
- 인원: 0명
- 근무지: Amstelveen, Netherland
- 부서 : Business Management Team
- 담당업무: Accounting / General Affair 사무업무 (아래 JD 참조)
- 희망 근무시작 예정일 : 2024년 2월 1일
3. 지원자격:
① 네덜란드 내 근무가능한 비자 소지자 혹은 네덜란드 대학 졸업예정자 및 졸업자 (비자 관련 상황 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.)
② 신입 및 사원급 지원 가능 (워킹 홀리데이 비자 소지자도 가능)
4. 대우
- 근무시간 : 주 3~5 일 근무 내 협의 가능 (Full-time 선호하나, Part-time도 가능)
- 급여 : 회사 내규 (경력에 따라 협의)
- 복리후생 : 네덜란드 현행법에 의거하여 제공.
5. 지원방법
- 영문 이력서 및 Cover Letter를 아래 담당자 e-mail 로 송부.
담당자 E-Mail: j.gerling@lgcns.com / yehyun.ku@lgcns.com
- 서류제출기한: 2024년 1월 31일까지
6. 기타
- 희망 급여 및 문의사항이 따로 있을 시 메일 본문에 기재 부탁드립니다
- 독일 체류 경험자, 독일어 가능자를 우선적으로 찾고 있습니다. (필수는 아님)
- 서류 심사 후 면접 대상자는 개별 연락 드리겠습니다
- 이력서는 반환되지 않습니다
* 공고문 파일이 있을 경우 아래에 첨부할 수 있습니다.
(내부 보안정책으로 인하여, 파일 첨부 대신에 아래와 같이 텍스트첨부로 대신하겠습니다.)
[Job Description]
Job title Accounting Assistant
Reports to CFO
Company LG CNS Europe B.V (Business management team)
Preferable starting date 1st Feb 2023
As of 2023 LG CNS has around 7,000 employees at its headquarters in South Korea and several overseas subsidiary companies around the world to help clients with IT challenges. We provide comprehensive solutions from consulting to system deployment and operation. With abundant industry-specific knowledge, proven advanced IT technology experts and the industry's top service quality, LG CNS makes people’s lives more convenient, futuristic and enjoyable by driving the national and corporate information-oriented culture.
LG CNS Europe was founded in The Netherlands in February 2003 to provide IT services to LG European subsidiaries and offices. LG CNS Europe Polish Branch was established in October 2006 in Biskupice to support LG subsidiaries in Poland.
In the role of accounting assistant you will have an important role in the accounting process of our company. You will collaborate with the Treasury, accounting, HR, Finance.
This position is an important role where responsibility and accuracy are required. The new to be hired person will mainly manage the monthly booking AP Invoice and Issue AR Invoice to clients. Invoice related work requires timely manner and accuracy. Most cooperation will be done with treasury specialist and accounting manager who are also based in Amstelveen. The Business Management Team now consists of Treasury specialist, accounting manager, HR Manager and CFO.
- Accounting tasks
Account Receivable: issue invoices, contact with customers for AR issue
Account Payable: booking invoices, contact with suppliers, timely payments
Accruals and prepaid Invoice : preparing for monthly closing
Expense Claims : Employees corporate card expenses and other expenses.
- GA tasks
Prepare, send and filing contracts
Support of GA (Receive & Send documents, office consumables, event, etc)
Provide ad-hoc reports/ analyses requested by accounting manager
Support communication and research about German branch establish process
Preferably MBO or equivalent degree in the field of Accounting, Business
Accounting experience or Knowledge preferably in AR/AP and in GL
Good knowledge of MS office, especially Excel
Pro-active and hands-on attitude
Analytically strong and accurate, result-driven
Fluent in English and Korean, speaking Dutch is a plus but not necessary
Educational background or work experience in Germany would be a plus
Strong team player
- Salary depending on education and work experience
- Commuting costs (as per company guide)
- Collective healthcare plan 50% Support
For more information please contact both Jonathan Gerling (HR Manager)
j.gerling@lgcns.com and Yehyun Ku (accounting part) yehyun.ku@lgcns.com
LG CNS 유럽법인의 Business Management 부서에서 함께 근무할 인재를 찾고 있습니다.
아래 지원 자격에 해당하거나 관심이 있으신 분들의 많은 지원 부탁 드리겠습니다.
1. 회사 소개
- 회사명: LG CNS EUROPE B.V. (www.lgcns.com)
2. 채용 분야 및 인원
- 인원: 0명
- 근무지: Amstelveen, Netherland
- 부서 : Business Management Team
- 담당업무: Accounting / General Affair 사무업무 (아래 JD 참조)
- 희망 근무시작 예정일 : 2024년 2월 1일
3. 지원자격:
① 네덜란드 내 근무가능한 비자 소지자 혹은 네덜란드 대학 졸업예정자 및 졸업자 (비자 관련 상황 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.)
② 신입 및 사원급 지원 가능 (워킹 홀리데이 비자 소지자도 가능)
4. 대우
- 근무시간 : 주 3~5 일 근무 내 협의 가능 (Full-time 선호하나, Part-time도 가능)
- 급여 : 회사 내규 (경력에 따라 협의)
- 복리후생 : 네덜란드 현행법에 의거하여 제공.
5. 지원방법
- 영문 이력서 및 Cover Letter를 아래 담당자 e-mail 로 송부.
담당자 E-Mail: j.gerling@lgcns.com / yehyun.ku@lgcns.com
- 서류제출기한: 2024년 1월 31일까지
6. 기타
- 희망 급여 및 문의사항이 따로 있을 시 메일 본문에 기재 부탁드립니다
- 독일 체류 경험자, 독일어 가능자를 우선적으로 찾고 있습니다. (필수는 아님)
- 서류 심사 후 면접 대상자는 개별 연락 드리겠습니다
- 이력서는 반환되지 않습니다
* 공고문 파일이 있을 경우 아래에 첨부할 수 있습니다.
(내부 보안정책으로 인하여, 파일 첨부 대신에 아래와 같이 텍스트첨부로 대신하겠습니다.)
[Job Description]
Job title Accounting Assistant
Reports to CFO
Company LG CNS Europe B.V (Business management team)
Preferable starting date 1st Feb 2023
As of 2023 LG CNS has around 7,000 employees at its headquarters in South Korea and several overseas subsidiary companies around the world to help clients with IT challenges. We provide comprehensive solutions from consulting to system deployment and operation. With abundant industry-specific knowledge, proven advanced IT technology experts and the industry's top service quality, LG CNS makes people’s lives more convenient, futuristic and enjoyable by driving the national and corporate information-oriented culture.
LG CNS Europe was founded in The Netherlands in February 2003 to provide IT services to LG European subsidiaries and offices. LG CNS Europe Polish Branch was established in October 2006 in Biskupice to support LG subsidiaries in Poland.
In the role of accounting assistant you will have an important role in the accounting process of our company. You will collaborate with the Treasury, accounting, HR, Finance.
This position is an important role where responsibility and accuracy are required. The new to be hired person will mainly manage the monthly booking AP Invoice and Issue AR Invoice to clients. Invoice related work requires timely manner and accuracy. Most cooperation will be done with treasury specialist and accounting manager who are also based in Amstelveen. The Business Management Team now consists of Treasury specialist, accounting manager, HR Manager and CFO.
- Accounting tasks
Account Receivable: issue invoices, contact with customers for AR issue
Account Payable: booking invoices, contact with suppliers, timely payments
Accruals and prepaid Invoice : preparing for monthly closing
Expense Claims : Employees corporate card expenses and other expenses.
- GA tasks
Prepare, send and filing contracts
Support of GA (Receive & Send documents, office consumables, event, etc)
Provide ad-hoc reports/ analyses requested by accounting manager
Support communication and research about German branch establish process
Preferably MBO or equivalent degree in the field of Accounting, Business
Accounting experience or Knowledge preferably in AR/AP and in GL
Good knowledge of MS office, especially Excel
Pro-active and hands-on attitude
Analytically strong and accurate, result-driven
Fluent in English and Korean, speaking Dutch is a plus but not necessary
Educational background or work experience in Germany would be a plus
Strong team player
- Salary depending on education and work experience
- Commuting costs (as per company guide)
- Collective healthcare plan 50% Support
For more information please contact both Jonathan Gerling (HR Manager)
j.gerling@lgcns.com and Yehyun Ku (accounting part) yehyun.ku@lgcns.com
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